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90K Service

Most vehicles require a major servicing every 30,000 miles. This means you can expect a longer visit to your service center at the 30k, 60k, and 90k service. Vehicle parts wear down from day-to-day driving. When you ignore service intervals, you run the risk of destroying the working parts of your vehicle beyond repair, leading to vehicle downtime and expensive replacement.

Taking care of your vehicle should be one of your biggest concerns. Since the 90k service is a major check-up/tune-up for your vehicle, the technician will be looking out for signs both big and small that your vehicle is on the verge of a breakdown. At [business name] in [city], we will perform a complete 90k service workup on your vehicle quickly and at a lower cost than dealerships offer.


Components in the Drivetrain include the transmission, axles, and differentials. The technician assigned to your vehicle checks each part for damage and leaks. He services the filters and fluids ensuring a safer drive for you.

In addition to these major systems, the 90k service includes checking and testing of the exhaust, tires, brakes, body, cooling and air conditioning systems, steering, fuel system, and all belts and hoses for proper functioning. Upon finding any leaks or damage, our technicians recommend the next steps you should take to repair these parts.